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Dating Advise

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December 15, 2008
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Dating Advise
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Can anyone advise me on when and how to tell a date that I’m a nudist? I meet a few ladies here and there from the conventional Personals sites and I struggle with this issue each time I make a new friend. I’m not going to enter into another relationship without my partner knowing I’m a nudist.

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August 31, 2006
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I find that it is easier to make comments that apply to the nudist lifestyle without exposing my own interest in nudism, and test thier responce.
I have found that most people do not understand the nudist lifestye and think that it is something purverted. by working nudist comments, jokes, and facts into the converstion you can see thier perspective and educate them about nudism slowly and gradually.

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Posted:     Post subject:

darren26 wrote: I find that it is easier to make comments that apply to the nudist lifestyle without exposing my own interest in nudism, and test thier responce.
I have found that most people do not understand the nudist lifestye and think that it is something purverted. by working nudist comments, jokes, and facts into the converstion you can see thier perspective and educate them about nudism slowly and gradually.

maybe something like this a nudist site..I am hoping to find a lady too but think my odds would be better in finding a naturist gal rather than taking my chances in telling someone i am a nudist

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April 6, 2008
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`I just tell them straight out. Mind you I'm curently single LOL

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April 30, 2008
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.I guess I don't know what to say to that! I just wanna be naked every chance I get.
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May 1, 2008
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.Hi! I am new here.
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`You need to remember that the whole point of having standards is to reduce the number of options. You would never have time to try dating everyone who comes your way; so, screen out most of them, and just go with the ones who already show the right compatibilities. Like my own standrds: I don't require that he be a nudist, but I do require that he accept my being naked when I feel like it. I don't require that he be a vegetarian, but I do require that he respect my choice to be a vegetarian. If that means there are fewer men to choose from, well, that just saves me time.

I think a lot of people's problem is that they try to base a relationship on s----l appeal. That might work for a one-night stand, but it cannot sustain a relationship. Think about it: after you are both "done," then what? Another problem a lot of people seem to have is that they get so goal-oriented, trying to find a partner, they go with people who are totally incompatible, just because they are available. Now, admittedly my experience is limited; but I find that rather than going someplace to meet single people, it is better to go to places you enjoy, and meet other people who also enjoy being there.

In other words, if it is that important to you that your girlfriend accept your being a nudist, maybe you should meet people at nudist venues.

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April 11, 2021
Posts: 40

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:55 am    Post subject:
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ask them to go to a nudist place... resort or beach. I am a nude greeter at two places in vegas. They may enjoy it!

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